If Let

Rust has a very powerful tool to deal with Result and Option


struct User {
    name: String,
    password: String,
    email: Option<String>,
    age: Option<u32>,

fn main() {
    let u: User = User{
        name: "Apollo".to_string(),
        password: "12345".to_string(),
        email: Some("[email protected]".to_string()),
        age: None
    // Note the above should be a good refresher of Option...
    // Now for using if let to access email
    if let Some(email) = u.email {
        println!("{} has an email ({})", u.name.clone(), email);
    } else {
        println!("{} has no email", u.name.clone());
    // An example of trying to get age
    if let Some(age) = u.age {
        println!("{} is {} years old", u.name.clone(), age);
    } else {
        println!("{} didn't provide their age", u.name.clone());


This example is minified to only highlight the concept of using if let on Result.

This also should serve as a brief example of Result

impl Database {
    fn get_user_by_id(id: u64) -> Result<User, ()> {
        // ...
        // Basically, code that would read from a "Database"
        // Look for a "User" by id (Presumably the Primary Key)
        // And return either the User structure    Ok(u)
        // Or error    Err(())

fn main() {
    let user: Result<User, ()> = Database.get_user_by_id(3);
    if let Ok(user) = user {
        //    ^ User
        // Now we've got access to the user whose id is 3
    } else {
        // Not found, so do something else (Create)