

Rust is like C++, it has generics.

A Generic allows a piece of code to be written once, but used for multiple types.

You’ll most likely implement:

There are more Generic Traits out there, but the 4 above are quite common

I’ll implement From and TryInto here as examples


An example of implementing From.

enum MyBox {

impl From<i32> for MyBox {
    fn from(i: i32) -> Self {
        Self::Integer(i as i64)

impl From<f32> for MyBox {
    fn from(f: f32) -> Self {
        Self::Float(f as f64)

fn main() {
    let i: i32 = 42;
    let my: MyBox = MyBox::from(i);
    let f: f32 = 9.81;
    let my: MyBox = MyBox::from(f);


Please note, implementing From can in some cases automatically implement Into for you.

An example of implementing Into. (Well actually I implement TryInto)

enum MyBox {

impl TryInto<i64> for MyBox {
    type Error = bool;
    fn try_into(self) -> Result<i64, Self::Error> {
        match self {
            Self::Integer(i) => Ok(i),
            Self::Float(_) => Err(false),

fn main() {
    let my: MyBox = MyBox::Integer(13_i64);
    let i: Result<i64, bool> = my.try_into();
    if let Ok(i) = i {
        //    ^ i64
    let my: MyBox = MyBox::Float(9.81_f64);
    let i: Result<i64, bool> = my.try_into();
    if let Ok(i) = i {
        // Our try_into will return Err
    } else {
        // Can't convert f64 Float to i64 Integer
